About Stormwater & Surface Water Management Fee

As our community grows so must our commitment to protecting and improving the quality of our water resources. Our lakes, rivers, and wetlands help make the City of Wyoming one of the area’s most livable communities. Keeping our water resources clean and usable is in everyone's best interest.


 2024 MS4 Public Update

A Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) is a conveyance, or system of conveyances (i.e., municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, channels, etc.) that is designed to collect stormwater and is owned and operated by a public entity. Stormwater from an MS4 is regulated under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) MS4 permit to reduce pollution from conveyance systems. Wyoming is a MS4 and is required to minimize pollutants that enter their systems through a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Each SWPPP includes six minimum control measures (MCM) that address the following areas:

  1. Public Education & Outreach
  2. Public Participation & Involvement
  3. Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination
  4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control
  5. Post-Construction Site Management
  6. Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping

In order to comply with a section of MCM 2, the poster board providing information on the work and implementation of the City’s MS4 program in 2023 is available here. For each MCM, descriptions will be given on what the City did during the year to comply with the permit. The City must also offer an opportunity for the public to provide input on the adequacy of their SWPPP; to citizens who wish to supply comments on the City’s SWPPP, please email comments to City Administrator Robb Linwood at rlinwood@wyomingmn.org. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact the City at 651-462-0575.

  MS4 Story Map

View our story map which gives you a quick overview of what MS4 is and how it affects our stormwater.


Why are these regulations in place?

Stormwater runoff is a leading source of water pollution and can harm surface waters such as lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands. Management of stormwater runoff from urban and rural areas is very important for restoring and protecting surface waters. Check out this website for more information.


What does this fee have to do with Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)?

The City of Wyoming is required by the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Clean Water Act to obtain a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit for managing nonpoint source stormwater. Non-point source stormwater is generally the overland flow of stormwater that does not originate from a single source or pipe, otherwise known as point source stormwater. The Municipal Storm Sewer System (MS4) general permit is issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

The MPCA reissued the MS4 General Permit (MNR040000) on November 16, 2020. The City of Wyoming submitted a MS4 Reauthorization Application to the MPCA for their review. The MPCA reviewed this application for completeness and determined that it is complete. The 30-day public comment period for the City of Wyoming’s SWPPP opened on August 24, 2021 and concludes at 4:30pm on September 24, 2021. Please see the link for more information on the City of Wyoming’s SWPPP and supporting documentation.

 You may also find additional information on the MPCA’s Public Notices webpage by navigating to the City of Wyoming’s Intent to Reissue NPDES and SDS MS4 General Permit here

Submitting Written Comments:

The terms and conditions of the general permit are not open for public comment. The permit application, the eligibility for coverage under the general permit, and the ability to comply with requirements of the general permit are open for public comment.

To submit comments or petitions to the MPCA through the mail or email, you must state:

(1) Your interest in the permit application or the preliminary determination to issue coverage under a general permit.

(2) The action you wish the MPCA or Permittee to take, including specific references to the application materials you believe should be changed.

(3) The reasons supporting your position, stated with sufficient specificity as to allow the MPCA to investigate the merits of the position.

MPCA Contact: Jeremy Sanoski - 218-316-3888 - jeremy.sanoski@state.mn.us


I haven’t heard of this fee before, when was this enacted?

On December 15, 1997, the City Of Wyoming ordained Section 240 as Surface Water Management Utility and adopted it into the city’s code of ordinances. It is operated as a public utility pursuant to Minnesota Statute Section § 444.075 (State law reference: Metropolitan groundwater management plan, Minnesota Statutes § 103B.255).


In order to obtain coverage under this permit, the City of Wyoming completed an application and developed a Surface Water Management Plan. The purpose of the plan is to provide a complete and intensive guide and reference for managing surface water resources within the city boundaries. 


The ordinance includes developing and implementing the permits six minimum controls, including public education and outreach; public participation and involvement; illicit discharge detection and elimination; construction site runoff control; post-construction site runoff control; and pollution prevention/good housekeeping practices. 

 Maintenance & Benefits

How is this maintained?

The storm drain system is a network of catch basins, manholes, channels and underground pipes that carry stormwater (rain water) to holding ponds and eventually to the Sunrise River. The network consists of public and private systems. The Streets Division is responsible for maintaining all 87,619 lineal feet of public storm sewer lines, 653 catch basins and its structures. Stormwater falling off yards, roofs, streets, and parking lots draining through this system before discharging into the rivers. The stormwater ponds are design to store and slowly release water over time - a day or two. During that period, some of the particles of sediment carried in the water fall to the bottom of the pond. Attached to these particles are various types of pollutants. Many of our ponds are designed to a specific size to hold the water long enough to allow pollutants to settle to the bottom. As sediment accumulates, it is more difficult for ponds to store the water long enough to allow the pollutants to settle out. Instead, they pass through and are carried further downstream. 


Stormwater ponds require maintenance and the removal of excessive sediment to allow the pond to function as designed. Crews dredge ponds to remove the sediment and dispose of it at an approved location. This practice allows the stormwater pond to more effectively handle stormwater runoff which improves overall water quality.

It is important to remember that the storm drain system is not a part of the wastewater collection system, which carries wastewater from homes and businesses to the treatment plant. Stormwater does not flow to the wastewater treatment plant.


The main components of the storm drain system that is visible above ground are:

  • Roadside ditches

  • Curb inlets - Catch basin

  • Ditch inlets

  • Channels - grass, concrete, stone (rip-rap) and some asphalt

  • Outfalls (pipe openings)

  • Stormwater retention pond


What are the benefits?

There are several benefits for you, whether you are on the city’s water and sewer system or have a well. The funds raised help keep our lakes, rivers, creeks, streams and more, clean and healthy as we invest the monies into protecting these waterways and sources. It keeps your well producing clean water, it keeps our fish, plants and wildlife healthy, it supports economic and recreational activities, and most importantly, it protects our human health. 


Why has the city added this fee?

The City Of Wyoming was mandated by the Minnesota State government to prepare and adopt groundwater plans. The City Of Wyoming must follow certain State mandates to protect our water sources and it requires monies to do so. Due to the significant and ongoing cost of the program, the city utilized an alternative to property taxes that is fairer and more equitable, similar to a user fee. 


Isn't this just another tax?

The difference is that the amount you pay in property taxes is based upon the value of your property. The amount of your stormwater fee is based upon the impact on the stormwater system by your property's impervious surface.


What will the fee be used for?

The fees will fund the stormwater program which includes activities to maintain compliance with state and federal law. These monies go directly into a protective water initiative fund, which then helps ensure our surface waters are clean and healthy for the citizens of Wyoming.


State and federal law require three major categories of activities be carried out by municipalities. The revenue for this fee will ensure the city is compliant with those laws. They include the following:

  • The administration, planning, analysis, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of public storm water drainage systems.

  • The administration, planning, implementation, construction, and maintenance of surface water Best Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce the introduction of sediment and other pollutants into local water resources.

  • All necessary activities to maintain compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), and Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit requirements established by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), including preparation, implementation, and management of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).


When will the fee collection end?

The fee is a long-term funding mechanism in order to achieve and maintain compliance with our MS4 permit.


How much will I be charged?

The following table shows the zoning designations and the corresponding Resident Equivalency Factor (REF) and quarterly stormwater utility fee.


Effective January 1st of each year:

Surface Water Utility Designation

2024 Quarterly Rate

2025 Quarterly Rate

Agricultural/Single Family Residential/One & Two Family Residential/Rural Residential



High Density Residential/Manufactured Homes






Central Business



Office & Health Care



Industrial (Urban)



Industrial (Non-Urban)



Carlos Avery WMA (Exempt)

