Definition of Utility Charges

Water - Meter Charge - This is a fixed charge that is charged according to meter size and provides general support* for the City's water system

Water Usage - This is a variable charge that pays for the cost of providing your home with water

Sewer - Base Charge - This is a fixed charge and provides general support* for the City's sewer system

Sewer Usage - This is a variable charge that pays for transporting and treating the sanitary sewer flow - See "How is my sewer determined?" for further details

Surface Water Mgmt - This is a fixed charge that pays for the City's stormwater system and annual maintenance costs - See "What is the surface water management fee charge?" for further details

State Surcharge - This fixed charge is required by Minnesota law, which requires the MN Department of Health to collect $9.72 annually ($2.43/quarter) from every service connection as a safe drinking water fee


*General Support includes:

  • Infrastructure renewal, engineering and construction
  • Production operations and maintenance (O&M)
  • Debt service
  • City services
  • Distribution O&M and metering
  • Administration and business services