Career Paths

Traditional Path

Applicant has completed a 2 or 4 year degree at a PPOE school (or were an officer in another state and/or military experience) and is eligible to be licensed as a police officer in the State of Minnesota.


Reserve Cadet Officer (RCO)

The RCO is a volunteer position, requiring a minimum of 12 hours per month volunteer commitment, performing reserve shifts and community events. The RCO is eligible for $16,000 tuition reimbursement over a 2-year period time. Upon eligibility to be POST licensed, the RCO would be considered for a police officer position with the City of Wyoming. 


Intensive Comprehensive Peace Officer Education & Training (ICPOET) Police Cadet

ICPOET Police Cadet position is designed to benefit college graduates that are looking to pursue a career transition into law enforcement. ICPOET Police Cadets are required to complete the intensive comprehensive training curriculum, which will equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to be a licensed peace officer in the State of Minnesota and the City of Wyoming.

The ICPOET Cadet will earn full-time pay and benefits while attending full-time schooling at Hennepin Technical College until hired as a probationary police officer with the City of Wyoming, for a total of approximately 30-weeks.

Candidates who complete the training will be hired as a probationary police officer with the Wyoming Police Department provided the conditions of the ICPOET Police Cadet Agreement are met.


Police Cadet Officer (PCO) - Future

The PCO is a non-sworn uniformed part-time paid position, fulfilling part-time hours performing code enforcement, animal control, nuisance ordinance issues, and vehicle maintenance. The PCO is eligible for $8,000 tuition reimbursement over a 2-year period of time. Upon eligibility to be POST licensed, the PCO would be considered for a police officer position with the City of Wyoming.  


Police Internship - Future

A Police Intern is paid temporary position with flexible scheduling (day, evening, and weekend hours), for 8-10 hours a week for no more than 8-12 weeks in duration. The Intern should be exploring policing as a career or could be enrolled in a law enforcement education program. They will work on operational, administrative and support functions, many of them project based, and will be mentored by a Wyoming police officer. The Intern may also assist at community events. The Intern will conduct ride alongs and other activities to provide exposure to policing.