Police Department
- Location is not centralized and results in longer response times
- Current "temporary facility" falls short of industry standards and best practices; lacks hardening
- Facility prohibits future growth
- Inadequate lobby space to meet the public and no public restrooms
- Lack of proper decontamination facilities in the building
- Garage is not sufficient in order to protect the City's investment in vehicles
- Inefficient and inadequate evidence processing and storage to maintain chain of custody
- Deficient working space for officer report writing and office space
- Lack of support spaces like a breakroom and locker spaces
- Create a new Public Safety facility on a greenfield site - The Police and Fire departments will be located at this facility
- Impound lots will be located by the Public Safety facility
- Meets all needs to 2040
Projected Schedule
- Construction Documents Finalized - Early 2023
- Bidding - Spring 2023
- Construction - Summer 2023
- Occupancy - Summer 2024